Chronic second-hand spares shortage Fiat/Lancia TC - Action!

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Guy Croft
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Chronic second-hand spares shortage Fiat/Lancia TC - Action!

Post by Guy Croft »

I get a lot of people phoning me who are stuck for want of good-used spare parts for engines for their TC units.

Where are they all? There were millions of these engines made. Who's got them? Cranks, blocks, sumps, heads, rods, oil pumps, dipsticks, distributors, power packs, gearboxes.

There is hardly anything for sale in 'sales and wants' and guys who post tend to get NO RESPONSE AT ALL! Members - This is hopeless, the continued survival of the engines and the marque as a whole depends entirely on the availability of good second hand spares.

If you are hoarding them - stop it, get them on here for sale. If you don't know what they are worth - give them away. Don't try and play 'who wants to be a millionaire?' Imagine what it's like to just help someone for no reward other than 'thank you'.
If you are junking them, don't, they may be scrap to you but they may get someone back on the road.
I hear stories of people 'throwing away' vital things like 131 2 liter crankshafts. This is unforgiveable - I usually have to buy a COMPLETE ENGINE just to get a crank.


Last edited by Guy Croft on April 30th, 2007, 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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parts hoarding

Post by CoupeFan »

Hello Guy, how are you doing?

From my personal experiences, I can say there's quite a bit of hoarding going on, and not so much recycling. The common response I've received from the hoarders is that they are stockpiling to ensure a personal supply for future use. One specific example highlights this best: I know of an individual who owns a beautiful 124 Spider but also collects various SOHC parts, both mechanical and body/trim. He doesn't even own an X1/9, nor has any plans to ever obtain one. The parts are for 'future bartering potential' as he puts it.
thank you,


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Post by 1969race125 »


Perhaps you might consider setting up a new section where people could post, in a more general way, which models and engines they are generally able and willing to supply spares from.

For example, I have several 125's in various states, and 1608 and 2 litre motors, gearboxes, etc., and I am always willing to strip off excess parts for needy fellow enthusiasts. I usually don't charge anything if the part would not be used by myself - it is enough to know that it is keeping a fellow enthusiast happy instead of cluttering up my sheds!

Currently your requirements for the "sales and wants" section are quite (legitimately) strict (specific parts, condition, price, freight method and costs, etc.) and it would be quite unfeasible for me to list every possible spare I might have individually.

I recently sent a couple of hard-to-find vent covers to the other side of the world, to Per on this site, for his 125 restoration. I also supplied wiper mechanisms, boot rubbers and various trim parts to some enthusiasts who are driving their 125's from London to Beijing. All quite minor items, but hard to find in good condition and essential to the success of their major projects. I would never have thought to list these parts in "sales and wants", but I came across their needs quite by chance.

Perhaps a section where I and others could let forum members know in an informal, general way of what we might have lying around might be a useful tool for us all.


Post by youngy125 »

Edit: post was a request for parts from Andrew.
PM sent instead to keep the thread on topic.
Last edited by youngy125 on April 30th, 2007, 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Guy Croft
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Post by Guy Croft »

Andrew, hi

well done for helping others, and thank you for suggestion.

I don't know if you are refering to selling or merely 'giving away' parts. I could certainly start a new, rather informal section, dunno what to call it yet, but only if the parts are free (excluding of course any agreed shipping costs). It would have to be understood that the parts could not be 'sold on', apart from shipping cost though, that would apply to vendors like me too.

Could 'Sales and Wants' be amended to facilitate this? I should like the new section (if such it be) to take off, not stall. Ideas please.

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Post by 1969race125 »


On reflection, perhaps a new section is not the best way forward - you may be right that yet another category could just end up stalling.

I think the answer may lie less in encouraging people to sell, and more in encouraging people to ask. I think many enthusiasts may, like me, have plenty of bits lying about that they would be happy to part with, if only they knew what others needed. We're not all hoarders, but many of us just don't have time to advertise our potential spares in a formal way.

How about splitting the "for sale" part of the existing thread from the "wanted to buy/find" part? The former could retain the strict rules currently in place to prevent it turning into an internet auction site. The latter could be more relaxed, allowing (and encouraging) people to send out their distress calls in a more informal way. That way, if somebody needs a dipstick for example, they have an appropriate place to ask, without feeling that they're intruding in a section which currently advertises much larger and more expensive items.


John: I will check for that flasher unit and PM you with the answer, to keep this thread free for Guy's discussion. Andrew
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