Dear all,
My name is Steven and anyone who looks at the web site can find my posting name as Wal.
I run a rat rodded Morris Minor that had a normally aspirated Guy Croft Twin Cam for which I have, almost, completed the install of for a Guy Croft Volumex Twin Cam.
I am truly sorry to hear the news about Guy and have personal proof his engines are simply awesome, I’m proud I have them in my car(s).
There are some beautifully engineered cars on this site backed by people who have skills I can only envy. I am not engineer trained, and basically have learnt everything from either my father or by trial and error, which is why my car is never the prettiest. However, what I do know is my Morris Minor has the most awesome engine and there is nothing of the same level that can live with it. This is why I am grateful to Guy, not only for the build of my engines but the time he and the contributors to this web site have spent explaining every question I have. I love looking at the truly incredible cars and knowledge that you all have, please let’s not lose that.
So, with regard to the crux of the issue I would love to maintain this website for the knowledge it has and the knowledge it can offer in the future as a tribute to Guy. Which leaves a question:
1) Who else is prepared to actually put up real money to keep the best engine web site alive – I am?
2) Are you happy that I try and run the web site in the manner in which it was formed though I cannot offer anything like the level of technical knowledge Guy has and am entirely dependent on the goodwill of the best engine and car builders I have seen?
Please contact me by private message if you are serious and will commit real money or just want to lose in a race against a Morris Minor.
- Posts: 43
- Joined: July 2nd, 2006, 7:22 pm
- Location: Denham, Bucks, UK
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